Posted on 10/10/2023

We often take our car's ABS (Anti-lock Braking System) for granted. It's that unsung hero that quietly keeps us safe when we hit the brakes hard. But to ensure it continues to perform its life-saving duties, a little care is in order. Understanding Your ABS Before we get into maintenance, let's briefly understand how your ABS works. This system prevents your wheels from locking up during heavy braking, allowing you to maintain control and steer the vehicle. It does this by pulsing the brakes rapidly, much faster than humanly possible. So, if your ABS kicks in, you'll feel a pulsing sensation in the brake pedal – that's your ABS doing its job. Routine Checks and Cleaning Your ABS system benefits from regular visual inspections. Check for any visible damage to the wheel speed sensors, which are responsible for detec ... read more