Putting the Brakes on Breast Cancer!

Phase 1 Trials announce positive results in the Progress for Breast Cancer Vaccine
With the help of $2 million, raised by the auto repair industry
Every October Dave's Automotive joins hundreds of Independent Auto Repair Shops across the US and Canada to raise funds for breast cancer vaccine research as part of the Brakes for Breast fundraiser.
As part of the fundraiser, participating auto repair facilities like ours will give away FREE (quality) brake pads or shoes. The customer simply pays the labor and any other ancillary parts necessary to complete the brake job, and the shops then donate 10% of the brake job directly to Cleveland Clinic Breast Cancer Vaccine Research Fund.
Brakes for Breasts fundraising efforts started in 2011 with 5 automotive repair shops in the Cleveland, Ohio area that raised $10,000 and has now evolved to incorporate hundreds of shops in the United States and Canada. Since then, these shops have collectively raised over $2 million, making Brakes for Breasts the largest third-party fundraising entity at the Cleveland Clinic. More importantly, Brakes for Breasts has become an integral partner of the effort to develop the first vaccine designed to prevent triple negative breast cancer, the most aggressive and lethal form of this disease. Dave's Automotive is proud to partner with such a respected organization.
To date the donation total is $2,060,439
Brakes For Breasts is different from any other breast cancer campaign:
- The Dr. Tuohy Lab is a team of researchers at the Cleveland Clinic has actually created a vaccine that has proved effective in laboratory animals in actually preventing breast cancer.
- Phase 1a human trials began Oct 2021 and successful results announced April 2023.
- Phase 1b and 1c is in progress.
- Phase 2 Trials are tentatively scheduled to begin at the end of 2025.
- 100% of every penny raised goes directly to the Cleveland Clinic for research on the Breast Cancer Vaccine.
- These are professional, independent business owners from across the country that have joined hands for a great cause.
To learn more about this breast cancer vaccine, browse a list of participating shops, and view a yearly breakdown of our total of over $2 million raised, go to www.brakesforbreasts.com or follow us on Facebook @brakesforbreasts.